Interview With The Author PART ONE

When Did You Start Writing?

I started writing when I was 12 years old. I was living in Miami, Florida and “desperate” to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I was drawn to anything creative. My mother is an artist, though she didn’t have the opportunity of pursuing that as a career, and I think it runs in the family line. I was really into dancing - tap! And I loved drawing and playacting. I was totally smitten with films from the 30s, which were a bit like watching a play on film - major overacting. But I found that bygone era fascinating, dreamy really. We didn’t have a lot of resources as a family, so I decided I would write. It was basically free! I could do it anywhere! So, the dye was cast as they say.

What Was Your Catalyst To Start Writing?

I wanted to create art, to make things of beauty, to be swept away by an idea. I was watching old films, or wrapped up in the allure of Europe watching the Winter Olympics and wanted to create stories based on what I was seeing. As a young girl, my mother read to us and then began taking us to the library to choose any books we wanted. I have ADHD and in a ploy to encourage me to read more, my teachers sent me to an after-school class for “gifted readers.” The ruse worked! I thought I was a great reader, and so I became one. Books were my solace, they were my escape. 

What Do You Love Most About Writing Fiction?

For me, the most fun is dreaming up a plot, then thinking through the characters and then unleashing them on their world. It’s truly awesome when your characters assume a mind of their own. It’s almost as if they as taking you by the hand and leading you forward along their story. However, I do a ton of planning and character mapping. I’m big on keeping timelines to make sure I am adhering to correct timeframes. And, I love noodling over my character’s motivation for what they do, and how they act and react. Character development is so important, no one wants to read about someone that is predictable and never learns from their experiences. 

If You Had To Give An Author Advice On How To Get Started Writing A Novel, What Would That Be?

Here’s what I like to do - find something that absolutely captures my imagination and motivates me toward “story.” So, I love music. In fact, I love soundtracks. My favorite lately is “Game of Thrones.” I mean, it still gives me chills when I listen to The Children or Needle. Recently, I was watching a new Apple TV show - “Silo.” I really like the storyline, but I pulled up the soundtrack and gave it a listen and realized exactly why I was falling for the series - the music. Find something that takes you outside of yourself, where your imagination lives, and let it run wild. Sometimes art, glimpses of color, and wind in leaves can set me off. When I want to write I let my mind go there for steady doses of inspiration.